Whitepaper/Lightpaper – The Concept

HomeWhitepaper/Lightpaper – The Concept


Now imagine that the owners of the company are not The Shareholders (do you know any Adobe Shareholder?) but actually the people who  participate in building, promoting and distributing the PhotoShop.

The Users also have a share because the Users have, with their feedback and demands, shaped the software to what it is today.

Not only that, the first users have paid many times today’s value, indirectly financing the software. Did they get anything in return? I haven’t and I have paid around 20.000 to date,- for the use of the software.

We want to build  a DAO where the Builders (Participants) and the Users actually own the fruits of their work in line with their actual contribution.


Imagine that our company name is Adobe and that we have just started distributing our latest product PhotoShop!

The reverse logic of  MailManix DAO


If you want to Contribute / Participate / Use" MailManix DAO Products or Services 
you will need to get the Entrance / Membership / Ticket / Access / Admittance.
You can get it by buying one CO/T (MailManix coin) which will also give you
the Ownership of one Basic Template and will give you one (1) Vote.
Mailmanix will issue the Basic (email) Template for the price of one CO/T (MailManix coin).
One CO/T (MailManix coin) will cost 5 Euro and it is also the Access to the MailManix DAO.
CO/T (MailManix coin) is stored in the RECEPTACLE (MailManix wallet) 
which is how we deliver the CO/T (MailManix coin).
We will also issue a Super Template when you spend more than 1 CO/T.
We value the Basic template from 0,00 to 100,- (this is an estimate 
that depends on the Market value).
We will sell CO/T in a limited amount of 1,000,000 for a fixed price 
of €5.00 (total amount is €5,000,000.-)
The "Basic Template" is owned by or used by the Contributor.
The Contributor can be the User (Use the Template) or 
The Participant (Owens the Template).
The "Template" is an Email Template and it is stored in the Account 
and it is Editable with Email Editor - Zenduz App
The ”Empty Template" is unused template and is owned by MailManix DAO.
The ”Empty Template" has no value and has no voting power.
Open ”Link" to read the whole document.


MailManix DAO
Marijan Max Osole (max@mailmanix.com)
April 04th 2018 | Version 0.5

Today emails and other digital messages are constantly produced and distributed.

MailManix DAO is planning to democratise this process for the benefit of its builders, creators and users.

The first phase of the operation is focused on the PRODUCTION aspect of the process.

MailManix DAO will operate as an ownerless company, continuously expanding into the huge email messaging market under the management of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

MailManix DAO utilizes the Ethereum blockchain, which:
1. Provides its contributors and users with the opportunity to buy DAO tokens, own and trade them, and acquire dividends dependent on the results of their work.

2. Secures the total transparency of all processes related to the MailManix DAO.
For the purpose of the project, we will create smart contracts and issue tokens, which will facilitate dividend payment.

MailManix DAO will raise funds by means of Initial Coin Offer (ICO).

This will be accomplished through selling email templates produced with Zenduz Engine – Zenduz App.

MailManix DAO is a New Generation Blockchain Company aimed at building a community of Contributors (Builders and Contributors), Users and all other individuals or companies involved in the creation, promotion, and support of email editing software products of any kind.  The objective is to help them to capitalise on their work.

MailManix DAO will allow the users to finance and own the MailManix company and its products and services.

MailManix DAO connects all participating entities allowing them to collaborate on the products they believe in, and collectively share the fruits of their labour.

MailManix DAO is dedicated to developing, building, maintaining, managing, promoting and selling.

MailManix DAO integrates the functionality of tools that are similar to HTLM Editors, Email Clients, Email Sending Platforms and Online Marketplaces in one common email production and later the distribution ecosystem.

MailManix DAO provides everything needed to design, produce, create and distribute digital messages on the Internet.

The MailManix DAO team has been working on a solution from the spring of 2012.

The fully functional beta version of the Zenduz App based on Zenduz Engine has been released and is available for use at https://zenduz.com.

MailManix DAO is planning to start its activities by using the “One Unit One Coin” model, where every single template represents one company token – CO/T. Contributors are responsible for creating the Templates and users can monetarise the Templates. The higher demand and higher value of the Templates will increase the value of the token. The total number of  Templates that make up the value of CO/T Tokens will be released over time.

When the platform moves into DISTRIBUTION mode, the new Token will be created on the same principle as the CO/T = “One Unit One Coin”. Each account will be the Unit.


1. That the MailManix products will be used.

How? By making services and products of DAO MailManix useful and accessible.

2. To ensure that the Builders (creators) of the MailManix DAO and its products and services, will be paid a fair amount for their work and receive a fair share the MailManix DAO benefits.
How? By assigning them a Smart Contract(s) which will guarantee them the fair payment for their work and participation in the MailManix benefits

3. That the Management will receive a payment for work and a fair share of the MailManix DAO benefits.
How? By assigning them a Smart Contract(s) which will guarantee them the fair participation in the MailManix benefits

4. That the Participants (users of the Zenduz App) will receive a fair share of the MailManix DAO benefits.
How? By assigning them a Smart Contract(s) which will guarantee them the fair participation in the MailManix benefits based on the values generated for the Mailmanix

5. That the a limited number of Early Users will receive a fair share of the MailMmanix DAO benefits.
How? By assigning them a Smart Contract(s) which will garantie them the fair participation in the MailManix benefits

6. That the Tokens Holders will receive a fair share of the MailMmanix DAO benefits.
How? By assigning them a Smart Contract(s) which will guarantee them the fair participation in the MailManix benefits


Values are of talken CO/T (COmpany Token) are set according to the set of CO/T rules.

The CO/T set of rules are determined by the Smart Contract based on blockchain technology.

The owner of the CO/T are CONTRIBUTORS and USERS.

CONTRIBUTORS and USERS are legal entities actively participating in the attempt to increase the value of the talken directly and the value of all tokens indirectly.



The present White-paper reflects our intention to fulfil Initial Token Offering (ITO). MailManix DAO is offering to buy CO/T Tokens, which represent the license rights to use the MailManix DAO platform.

The license provides the rights to use the MailManix DAO software to create, manage, contribute,
share, program, develop or create features related to the Mailmanix goals.

Every CO/T Token owner has rights to commercially exploit the license.

The PreCO/T and CO/T Tokens are not securities or any other investment instruments. The PreCO/T
and CO/T Tokens are not designed for investment purposes and should not be considered as a type
of investment.
• No profits can be expected from the PreCO/T and CO/T Tokens.
• No future increase of the PreCO/T and CO/T Tokens’ value is guaranteed.
• The PreCO/T and CO/T Token does not confer ownership of a stake in the business.

The CO/T Token holder acts as the Member, who receives a the rights to participate and contribute to MailManix DAO.

The success of the CO/T Token depends on holder ability to participate and contribute to the Mailmanix DAO.

During the PreITO stage MailManix DAO offers to issue the PreCO/T Tokens, which represent the right to get an equal amount of the CO/T Tokens after the ITO stage is finished.

All rights to the MailManix DAO Company are owned by MailManix DAO Company and are protected by applicable copyright laws and international treaty provisions. MailManix DAO having the all rights to use the MailManix DAO products and services.


  1. The company is economical Entity
  2. Contributors end Users determine Entity purpose
  3. There is no central authority.
  4. Company is govern by SET of RULES
  5. All SET of RULES are transparent and are part of public record.
  6. The balances are recorded and held on the blockchain and held entirely electronically.
  7. The tokens have a total value also called “market value”.
  8. The market value represents the total value of all tokens in existence.
  9. The execution of the agreements of majority of the votes is trusted to the Company’s Governing Body (CGB) according to the Company’s Governing Body Set of Rules.
  10. The amount of tokens is not fixed.
  11. The Tokens do not represent a share or value but represent a right to participate and vote. The Token purpose it entrance pass to the MailManix DAO
  12. Tokens are endless dividable.
  13. Each tokens has the same value.
  14. The Tokens are stored in Receptacles. Receptacles is a wallet.
  15. The value of the Receptacles is determine by the amount of tokens owner posses.
  16. Amount of contribution determine amount of Tokens.
  17. By no contribution the value is 1.
  18. Tokens can be sold or bought.
  19. Receptacles are adaptable in its value. We call them “Adoptable Shares”
  20. Amount of talkers in the Receptacles is equal to amount of votes.
  21. There are two type of tokens/ “Adoptable Shares”
  22. We start with 100.000 tokens.
  23. One Token is 1 vote. One token is One ticket to the “Show”
  24. One ticket gives you right to use or sell one template.
  25. The value of the company is equals to amount of templates being used, sold or in any other way produced and distributed.


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